Saturday, March 1, 2014

New decade - New Cake

Birthday Month...Birthday Week...BIRTHDAY...Birthday week...repeat the next year 

basically folks I love having any reason to celebrate...however there is something about birthdays that turn me into a five year old kid who couldn't be more excited for the jumpy thats going to be at their birthday party.  WOW actually at what point did someone decide you are too old for jumpies bc its not true its just not! I had some great times in those things.
it's not just my birthday, I will turn anyone of my friends birthdays into an extravaganza and I haven't yet figured out if I do it more for them or myself.  I am the life of the party, I am always loud and going crazy, in fact it's possible to say that I am the party.  Sometimes librarians don't appreciate my natural loudness but honestly I'm still not sure how to correctly whisper, instead I end up sounding like I've been smoking for about 36 years and honestly who wants to hear that? The point to this non sense is that I got a noise complaint last night bc I lost my shit when they sang me happy birthday with my three cakes in front of me 

I will willingly admit that I needs help, but climbing on that chair was necessary, having 3 cakes was necessary, and I regret nothing.
Also look at this cake #winning

Speaking of cake this birthday a light in my heart went out.  Two Words: RAINBOW CHIP
This is a type of cake and frosting that is made by Betty Crocker. My first cake was made with Rainbow Chip cake with rainbow chip frosting, a lot of people make the mistake of calling it funfetti and while I understand the mistake one must also understand that they are completely different things. Sprinkles make up a funfetti frosting and little chip candies make up Rainbow chip frosting.  Quite different.  So good ole betty decided that she should discontinue the frosting and start creating a new one with sprinkles.  WUT! currently hating betting for ruining my one solid tradition in my life.  My friends suggested twenty was a great year to start a new one so I have now moved on to Baskin Robbins and their ice cream bakes, heres to hoping that Robbins doesn't let me down.

After a cake rant like that I cant imagine you would want to keep reading so here are some pics from dinna where the party began with all of my amazing friends who dressed up to celebrate with me

The Michael Chen
pictures like this>



Check her out

The moment we realized Kyle Carter can rock a bag! 

this gem sang to me in italian

Amazing night, Fabulous friends, & Cake! 
I'm ready for a new decade
Heres to my 20's

Huge shout out to my girl Rian for the amazing pictures from my night check out her blog because she is the cutest little nugget around...I'm not kidding look at her 
also her extravaganza is next ;)

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